Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Father Lufti (Custodian of the Holy Land (ACN))

Syria: Friars are caring for Christians living under Sharia law

“Those extremists have often persecuted, attacked, beaten, tortured and even murdered some of our brothers and sisters."

One million children praying the rosary can change the world

"When one million children pray the rosary, the world will change.”
Archbishop Michaeel

Iraqi archbishop saves ancient texts from ISIS, is recognized by EU

"It's very important to us to save our heritage and keep it safe for future generations."
Sawan Masih (CLAAS)

Pakistan: Seven wasted years spent in prison on blasphemy charge

"No one has been held accountable for him missing seven precious years of his life away from his family."
Father Pierluigi Maccalli

Held for two years by jihadists, missionary is set free

"We remain concerned however about the fate of this courageous religious sister, who was abducted by jihadist groups in Mali over three years and eight months ago."
Archbishop Sater

Archbishop of Beirut: ‘We want to know the truth about the explosion’

"They keep asking the same question: why? Who did it? We want to know the truth, especially those who lost loved ones who were killed or who disappeared."
Bishop Kukah (J. Nicholls/ACN)

Nigeria: ‘Our land is now a pool of blood’

“Where are the Chibok daughters? Where is Leah Sharibu? Who are the sponsored murderers who have overrun our land? Our land is now a pool of blood."
Mona and her mother Juliette

In Lebanon, ‘a living witness to Christ on earth’

“Sister Rita comes whenever we need her, she always manages to find time for us. For me, this is the living witness of Christ on earth.”
Seyed Mohammad Mahdi

A Christian convert from Iran—‘the Bible is all that I have’

"I wanted to become a Christian, but this is a long and hard journey. In my country Muslims are forbidden to change religion."
Abba Goesh meets with elders

‘God is from every culture, from every clan’

Father Goesh builds a chapel in the wilderness, believing that with time, the feuding clans and tribes will end up praying together.
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