Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Pope Francis' visit to Myanmar (2017)

In Myanmar, religious leaders are called to be peace builders

"This coming election is very important because it involves a choice between the old system, with its exclusive culture, and an inclusive culture."
Help arrives

‘Christians in Lebanon can count on aid and prayers from ACN’

"Many families were already on the brink of starvation and many Christians were already talking of leaving the country."
Touring sisters

In India, thanks to a new scooter, ‘touring sisters’ get a boost

“Since Sister Shobka Rani has had the scooter, she has been able to double the number of visits  to villages,”

Young ministers of mercy help victims of bomb blast in Beirut

The priest highlighted the young people’s “amazing” response to what he called “an apocalypse” in which 300,000 families have been displaced.

Bishop Kukah: ‘genocide is happening in Nigeria’

“The inefficiency of the military has made the terrorists bolder and there are also issues of the complicity of the various levels of the military.”

Beirut: ACN offers emergency food aid

“Beirut is a devastated city. It’s a war scene – there is destruction and desolation in all its streets, its districts and its houses.” 
Miara Shahbaz

Pakistan: for kidnapped Catholic girl, calamity in the courtroom

“With this ruling, no Christian girl in Pakistan is safe. It is unbelievable. What we have seen yesterday is an Islamic judgment. The arguments we put forward were very strong and cogent.”
Analía Rodríguez

Farms of Hope—’there is no revenge better than love’

"Then my brother came to the house and told me he had something to give me that wasn’t money, that wasn’t a house; it was something that had got him off drugs—it was God."
Interior of Al-Tahira

Iraq: a beacon of hope for Christians of Qaraqosh on the Nineveh Plains

"The church is the fruit of the work and contributions of people’s fathers and grandfathers. Every Christian here feels that the church is part of their blood, their history and their heritage.”
Danaged Blood of Christ

In Nicaragua, arson targets a cathedral

"These attacks against the faith of the Catholic people need to be carefully analyzed, in order to expose the ideological and physical perpetrators of this macabre and sacrilegious act."
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