Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Women religious fear jihadists will take control of province in Mozambique

"These are people who not only need to eat; they also have to have some spiritual accompaniment. Some of them have seen their parents, their brothers beheaded."
Archbishop Darwish

Lebanese prelate: ‘protest does not unite a divided country’

"What can unite [Lebanon] is a unifying education and a functioning model of national governance. 

In 2019, ACN raised $119M, funding 5,230 projects in 139 countries

ACN supported the studies of more than 16,200 seminarians around the world—or one in every seven worldwide.

In Lebanon, priest—a convert from Islam—cares for the poor, needy

“I see Jesus in every human being. If we only knew whom we are serving—Jesus, who lives in every human being—then we would kneel while we are serving the poor or helping the sick."

A priest in Ukraine brings God’s love to COVID-19 patients

"I tell them that Jesus Christ is very close to them in their suffering, for he suffered some of the same symptoms as those fighting the disease; he too struggled to breathe.”

In Congo-Brazzaville, a priest guides vulnerable Pygmies, as the coronavirus threatens

They were already living many of the Gospel values without even knowing it. ... couples marry for life; they have no concept of divorce nor of polygamy and they are not in the least materialistic.

In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, support for women religious, priests fighting the pandemic

The stipends “secure our livelihood and safeguard the lives of thousands of believers who, through our humble efforts, hear the Holy Word of God and can receive the sacraments."

A missed opportunity for global peace in the time of the pandemic

"Even after the arrival of the pandemic, Nigeria is still at the mercy of sporadic terrorist attacks by Boko Haram, especially in the north-east of the country.”
Sisters of the Congregation of St. Elizabeth

In Siberia, women religious provide vital care for the most vulnerable

"We pray that these from a human perspective terrible times, will help us  all people to grow in faith, in hope and in love for God and our neighbors."
Destruction in Mozambique

Mozambique: in wake of attack, Carmelite sister testifies to ‘barbarism’ of jihadists

They are sowing terror among the population, burning towns and villages and attacking civilians on the roads or those travelling by public transport.
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