Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Nigerian bishop: Government idle in face of ‘overwhelming’ death

"I am convinced that what we are dealing with here is a weak and corrupt structure. It is about the incapacity of the state to act.”

Pakistan: in prison on blasphemy charges, Christian man sees appeal hearing postponed nearly 70 times

"In our country, what so often happens is that they first arrest the accused and only later do they check the evidence.”

Iran: ‘A Church without martyrs would be like a tree without fruit’

"Currently we are going through a new period of crisis, which began with the revolution of Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. All the Catholic schools and hospitals, which were part of our outreach, were closed, which considerably diminished our presence in society."

In Bosnia-Herzegovina, Catholic wounds need healing as radical Islam is on the rise

The group that arguably suffered the most in the Bosnian war, and that continues to suffer, is the minority Croat Catholic community. Still today many Croatian villages in the heart of Bosnia, destroyed during the fighting, stand empty.

In hard-hit Brazil, help for priests aiding the most vulnerable caught up in the coronavirus pandemic

“Recently we have made great efforts to raise funds, but it is now getting very difficult, since the people themselves have next to nothing,”

Episcopal letter from Aleppo, Syria—’I am happy this Pentecost’

"Yet, despite everything, despite all successive, multiple sufferings and innumerable setbacks, coming home today I am aware of deep inside me being truly happy and satisfied!"
Miara Shahbaz

Pakistan: family of abducted Catholic girl, 14, takes case to High Court

Nakash, the kidnapper, argues that, contrary to Pakistani law, which forbids marriage to minors, marrying Maira is sanctioned by Islamic custom which, he claims, says it is valid provided the girl has had her first period.

As COVID-19 cases rise, Iraqi patriarch says to stay at home

Chaldean Catholic Patriarch Cardinal Louis Raphael I Sako said the country’s medical services, still shattered after the 2003 collapse of the Saddam Hussein regime, are already in crisis, with coronavirus cases topping 5,000.

CRUX: ACN Outreach Director on Church in Ethiopia and Eritrea

“In Eritrea, the totalitarian government has gone after Christian institutions and lately those of the Roman Catholic Church to lessen the impact that the Church has on Eritrean society.”

The first church built on state-owned land in Havana—and dedicated to St. John Paul II—is almost a reality

"The work has been delayed by various cyclones and a hurricane, to say nothing of the tremendous difficulty in trying to get hold of the building materials. But now we can see our dream already almost fulfilled."
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