Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

With eye on pandemic, ACN launches new emergency aid program for Syrian Christians

Many people in Syria have already reached the end of their strength, as a result of the war and the ongoing economic sanctions. But now they have to face a new enemy, the coronavirus.

Planned annex of West Bank land is ‘unjust’ – Bishop

"THe Church in the Holy Land has over the course of history always pursued and upheld two goals and two approaches, namely, justice as the foundation, and peace and reconciliation as the ultimate goal."
Miara Shahbaz

Christian girl, 14, abducted during virus lockdown in Pakistan, forced to wed kidnapper and renounce her faith

Mr. Sandhu said he would appeal the decision, taking the case to Lahore High Court and if necessary Pakistan’s Supreme Court, which in October 2018 sensationally overturned the case of Asia Bibi, the Christian woman on death row for blasphemy.

With creativity and faith, ACN supports the Church during COVID

"We expect to continue these projects of support for priests and sisters for the next few months, because even if in some countries public Mases are beginning to recommence, the economic situation will worsen and our help will be needed more than ever."

Burkina Faso: ACN is helping the victims of terrorism

The commitment also includes a fund to be established for the families so that they can eventually support themselves through income generating projects in the longer term, such as livestock rearing and horticulture.

Pakistan: Christians, other religious minorities are denied COVID-19 aid

He called on the Pakistan government to provide masks, gloves and other COVID-19 protective equipment for sanitary workers and domestic workers—many of whom are Christians.

Nigeria: Michael Nnadi & Bolanle Ataga—martyrs walking toward the barking dogs

According to Muhammad [one of the kidnappers], they had killed Michael because he kept asking them to repent and turn their lives around from their evil ways.

In Burkina Faso, terrorism and COVID-19—‘a disaster within a disaster’—pose a double threat

“the gravity of the situation is unchanged, and indeed in some places even worse” than before the pandemic, with almost a million people left homeless and a total absence of any effective response from either national or international authorities.

In Niger, in time of the virus, fears of anti-Christian violence

Yet, despite his confidence in the government, the bishop warned that “we have to be on our guard, nonetheless, as the reactions of the fundamentalist Muslim extremists are unpredictable."

In Nigeria, a priest reflects on deadly Fulani attack in light of Easter season

"I asked myself why it was that I organized an occasion to honor the mother of God and this would happen on this same day. I wondered where our Mother was that she could not intervene but allowed these people to suffer."
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