The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Congo-Brazzaville: A forgotten Church

"Despite its natural wealth, and income generated by exports of wood and oil, the people are very poor, not only financially, but morally, too. Congo-Brazzaville has a turbulent history, which has left its mark on the population."

Catechist is kidnapped and killed in Burkina Faso

The catechist was abducted last night by terrorists and his lifeless body was found near Zigni this morning. According to local sources reporting to the charity more people were kidnapped and killed along with him.

In Africa, sports and advertising push illegal emigration

A bishop from Equatorial Guinea reflects on the causes and consequences of migration in Africa, and asks for a stronger focus on the fight against poverty and illegal emigration. In 2023, at least 8,565 people died on migratory routes all over the world, making it the deadliest year on record, ...

Brazil: Urbanization poses pastoral challenges

.“Church organizations and the authorities must find ways to provide families with access to basic services in their homelands. Often it is situations like these that force them to emigrate to the cities, as they must choose between access to education, health care and food, and remaining connected to their ...

Pakistan bishop: No justice for Jaranwala

Bishop Rehmat said, “More than 300 people were arrested [following the attack], but it is unlikely that they will face justice. Slowly, they have started releasing them. Nobody has been charged.”

Sudan: War leaves country without seminarians

Though a minority, the Church has always been a “safe harbor” for the population, and at the start of the war, . Now this refuge is fragile.

Seminary looted as security worsens in Haiti

“For over six hours, the bandits continued to plunder, burn, and steal. Finally, the religious and the staff members managed to escape. Some of them took refuge in the formation house, a 30-minute walk from the seminary, and others went into the streets, or in the cathedral, beside the school,."

In Ukraine, everyday life is the Way of the Cross

Jesus was executed. Nailed to a cross. Inna felt her husband die twice. He was killed in the first stages of the war in 2014, and the city of Irpin put up a poster in his honor. She later learned that occupying soldiers shot through the poster. She felt like ...

A kidnapped priest’s Way of the Cross in Nigeria

"I realized later that I had been quite lucky. The driver of the car immediately after mine was shot dead, and if the priest who had wanted to accompany me had been in the car, he almost certainly would have been killed as well."

India: Reports of increased Christian persecution

According to the United Christian Forum for Human Rights (UCF), an Indian ecumenical organization that tracks incidents of persecution against Christians of all denominations, at least 161 cases were reported in just the first three months of 2024.
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