The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Cardinal says Central African Republic is on fragile road to peace

"Work for peace is carried out through encounters, but also by implementing joint projects that require groups to work together to achieve a mutual goal. This way, they learn to get along with one another again."

Mozambique bishop decries ‘tragedy’ of persistent Islamist attacks

There are no official statistics, but the bishop is certain that at least 500 have been killed since late October 2017, when the attacks on villages, administrative centers and army personnel began. The attackers have left decapitated bodies behind to sow terror.

Venezuelan cardinal: ‘we want a way out … , one that is peaceful and democratic, without the language of war’

Regarding the future of his country, the archbishop of Merida added that "we want a way out of this situation that is peaceful and democratic, without the language of war. We all need each other. We must do something that goes beyond political beliefs and ideologies."

In Libya, the Church has never left the side of its people

"I must say that the Catholic Church has stayed in Libya throughout the years of conflict—even when all other Churches and all European embassies left the country."

Nigerian government is ‘not doing enough to protect Christians and Muslims’

"The herdsmen, already designated a terrorist group by the international community, act with impunity. The lack of significant prosecution of their crimes fuels the belief that they have the backing of the federal government."

Martyr shrine in Egypt honors 21 ISIS victims five years after death

“I’m the mother of martyrs, I’m proud of them. They intercede for me and their father in heaven.” She said she is praying for ISIS followers, calling on “God to give them the light and open their eyes to the truth and the good.”

In Turkey, ‘Christians are losing everything they own’

"The people feel as though they are being 'dispossessed' without legal recourse. They are losing everything they own without an actual legal basis. They are losing everything Christians have worked for over the course of history."

Pakistan: ‘Asia Bibi jurisprudence’ gives hope to Christians facing blasphemy charges

"Pakistani journalists now readily refer to Asia Bibi when a new case hits the headlines. They have realized the importance of the issue and it is becoming increasingly difficult to sweep blasphemy-related cases under the carpet."

In Nigeria, a kidnapped seminarian is found murdered

"The world needs to wake up. The Nigerian government is facing an enormous challenge. The insecurity is as bad as in times of civil war. Nigeria is a multi-faith and multi-ethnic nation, and security must be provided for all.”

Young Iraqi Christian eyes future with mixture of hope and dread

"There is no justice or equality for Christians here; unemployment rates are high here, too. And the ISIS occupation has left a legacy of distrust between Christians and Muslims in the region."
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