The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Syria, a country in agony, is ‘living an anticipated Lenten fast’

The situation is so serious for some families that they can “barely afford to buy food and there is a shortage of fuel for heating the houses; the electricity supply is interrupted almost every day and people’s money is worth less and less each month.”

Pakistan: Christians, accused of lynching, are set free

"Throughout Pakistan, people had been praying, every day praying that the court would rule in their favor. It is a big day for us all. The accused have been through a big, big trauma and now, thank God, they have come out the other side.”

In India, millions protest discriminatory citizenship act

“These are extremely bad times for Christians in India. We have had consistent attacks on pastors, priests and lay Christians.  Church property is targeted. And there is intimidation, harassment and denigration of Christians by Hindu nationalist groups."

Pakistan: victim of forced conversion to Islam might testify in court—a first

It is the first case of forced conversion to Islam and forced marriage ever to come before a Pakistani High Court; and it is the first time that the Child Marriage Restraint Act has been cited in court.

Bishop: Venezuelans are being denied ‘the basics of life’

“It is time for trust and unity so that we, as a people, can set ourselves up as a wall of peaceful resistance against those who want to besiege us and make us lose trust in God and in a better destiny, through the intimidating use of power and might.”

Burkina Faso: the unshakeable faith of women religious in the face of terror

"Afraid? No, because we trust in God’s providence. We know that anything can happen to us any day and that we have to be prepared for every possible situation. We are concerned for everyone, we want to be able to attend to the needs of every individual."

In Lebanon, Christians and Muslims are united in ongoing demonstrations

"Christians and Muslims throughout Lebanon are united behind the same demands. They are saying no to taxes, asking for medical insurance, asking for electricity,  and complaining about corruption and the very bad economic situation they are living in."

Nigeria: ‘darkness has thrived, but it has never won’

“The early apostles faced persecution, too. But Christ has never abandoned His Church. Without Him, all of us would be gone. Darkness has thrived, but it has never won.”

In Nigeria, four seminarians are abducted

“The security situation in Nigeria is appalling. Criminal gangs are further exploiting the chaotic situation and making matters still worse.”

Bishop calls Nigerian leaders fundamentalists without bombs

“If the people in power don’t do enough to integrate Christians then they give oxygen to Islamism."
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