Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

In Nigeria, four seminarians are abducted

“The security situation in Nigeria is appalling. Criminal gangs are further exploiting the chaotic situation and making matters still worse.”

Bishop calls Nigerian leaders fundamentalists without bombs

“If the people in power don’t do enough to integrate Christians then they give oxygen to Islamism."

Iraq: ‘We are a martyred and a suffering Church’

"God and family are the priority in our everyday lives here. They are faithful to His love, in the midst of the danger from external enemies, and from the internal challenges of modern times that threaten to weaken their traditional faith."
Archbishop Warda

Iraqi prelate discusses effect of US-Iran relations on christians in iraq

"The confrontation between the two powers must not escalate.” He added that “Iraq has been suffering from proxy wars for decades; they have torn our country apart.”

Syriac Catholic Patriarch visits northern Iraq: ‘We have to always hope against all hope’

“It’s very sad to say, and I’ve said this many times:  Christians of the Middle East have not only been abandoned; they have been betrayed by the civilized countries of the West."

India: a sister who suffered sexual assault in the course of massacre of Christians, has rebounded to ‘bring her people hope’

“I am grateful for my life, my strength, and my sense of purpose, all of which were given to me by God. He is my strength, even as my trial drags on. And He has empowered me to serve others."

2019 unfolded as ‘a year of martyrs’

Heine-Geldern called upon multinational and international organizations—such as the European Union and the United Nations—to establish and protect religious freedom as a fundamental human right on all levels and in all countries. “More and more is being said about it, but still too little is being done.

Islamic State says it beheaded ten Christian hostages in Nigeria: ‘where is the moral revulsion?’

The prelate called on the international community “to put pressure on Nigeria to protect lives.” “Things cannot go on,” he said, and perpetrators “must be brought to justice.”

This Christmas, ACN donors bring smiles to 19,000 children in Syria

“[ACN] brings smiles to more than 19,000 children all over Syria because of your Christmas gifts.”

In Homs, Syria, a Christian family finally goes home for Christmas

"I can’t even begin to describe the joy I am feeling. After so much suffering and uncertainty, I feel safe again. I am filled with hope for a better life. Christmas reminds me of the feeling of security that comes from being in a family.”
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