Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Catholic News Agency: ACNUSA Director of Outreach on aid for Christians on Iraq’s Nineveh Plains

“Today, after two years of its liberation from ISIS, the Nineveh Plain area still needs the help of our brothers and sisters who can pray and give us a hand.”

As crisis in Venezuela continues, priests also feel tempted to leave

“I encourage everyone to always be happy and prepared to spread the message throughout the entire neighborhood that the Lord is here, that there is a truth here. The Lord wants us to be joyful and we have to show everyone our joy in the risen Lord, despite all the ...

Pakistan: abductor threatens parents of kidnapped Christian girl

"The [parents] are too poor to be able to afford the legal expenses to bring such cases to court. The result is that the abductors have an easy time of it, often thanks to the complicity of the police themselves who, instead of encouraging the parents to pursue the case, ...

Lebanese prelates are concerned about Christian emigration

"Christians are facing the question of emigration, of looking for a better way of life. There’s a risk of losing the young generation: they don’t want to stay in Lebanon. There are too many question marks about the country’s future."

In São Paulo, Bethlehem Mission dedicates Christmas to the homeless

“Of course, we do all we can to help these brothers and sisters of ours, but we are above all a work of evangelization. Jesus healed, preached, blessed and lived among the people, just as we do at the Bethlehem Mission."

Advent 2019: The Virgin Mary’s joy and the miracle of the Annunciation

"The same God who had inspired in her her virginity, was now offering her maternity – the motherhood of the Promised One, the Awaited One of Israel. Virginity and motherhood, which in this case are not opposites but marvelously harmonious."

Christians disappearing from Syria, Iraq—a call for global intervention

“Persecuted & Forgotten?” warns that the Church in the region could vanish if radical Islamists were to mount another attack on vulnerable communities—a threat highlighted by reports of jihadists escaping prison, as a result of renewed violence in northeastern Syria.

Cameroon: ‘Raise not your hand against the Anointed of Yahweh’

“These boys claim that they took up guns to protect the population and it is a great contradiction that these guns are now being used to terrorize the very population they claimed to be protecting. We all joined together to decry the brutality of the military against the people, but ...

In Ukraine, ‘the future of the Church is the family living with God’

"The birth rate currently stands at 1.38. It needs to be 2.1 simply to replace the present generation. Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, the Apostolic Nuncio to Ukraine, summed up the problem very well, saying: ‘there is a lack of hope in society and a lack of love in families.’"
Archbishop Warda

Iraqi prelate pleads before UN Security Council for international aid

Iraq stands at a historic crossroads. The Christian and other minority communities of Iraq stand with - and often beside - Muslim protestors as together they seek a better life, based on equality regardless of religious belief.
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