Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

In Ukraine, ‘the future of the Church is the family living with God’

"The birth rate currently stands at 1.38. It needs to be 2.1 simply to replace the present generation. Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, the Apostolic Nuncio to Ukraine, summed up the problem very well, saying: ‘there is a lack of hope in society and a lack of love in families.’"
Archbishop Warda

Iraqi prelate pleads before UN Security Council for international aid

Iraq stands at a historic crossroads. The Christian and other minority communities of Iraq stand with - and often beside - Muslim protestors as together they seek a better life, based on equality regardless of religious belief.

Fox News: ACN co-sponsors UN event on religious persecution

"I ran towards the church and saw dead bodies strewn across the floor. There were many body parts hands, heads, legs and hands, moistening church floor with blood. There was lamentation and screaming of the people looking for loved ones. Such a horrible sight."

Burkina Faso bishop: ‘West remains indifferent’ to CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION

“We wondered how it could be possible that so many people know nothing of our situation and how Western governments and Western media are simply not making any mention of it. Many of the Western powers have an interest in seeing the violence continue, and their profits are more important ...

After decades of persecution ‘things are getting better’ for Egypt’s Christians

“There is a mentality that since 1952 has treated Christians as second-class citizens. Now, some change has happened and things are getting better. Building Churches is easier than before. We don’t have to wait years to get permission to have a church built.”

ACN’s Night of Witness for persecuted Christians around the world

He also recalled how 17 years ago, he narrowly escaped death, when young Muslim extremists put a gun to his head: “I felt the cold nozzle of a .45 caliber pistol at the back of my head. Then I heard ‘click.’ Miraculously, the weapon jammed.”

In Chile’s capital, radical protesters ransack a church

Hooded vandals had dragged out the pews, statues and sacred images into the street, smashing them and setting them on fire. They also sprayed graffiti and abusive slogans on the inside walls of the church as well as on its doors.

In Pakistan, two kidnappings of underage Christian girls

"I cannot go anywhere alone, for I might be attacked again, and I cannot worship freely. I have no security or legal protection. Still, I do not want to leave my country. This is my home."

For one young Maronite protester, hope for a better future for Lebanon

“Seeing people from different ages, different backgrounds, different religions and from all over Lebanon, all united together against this corrupt system—that’s all I needed to regain my hope in the Lebanon I dream of."

Priest is murdered in Syria—‘We continue to feel the presence of ISIS’

"So far we don’t know who killed him, although it appears that ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack. What we do know is that Father Hovsep was dressed in his priestly attire and was consequently identifiable as a priest."
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