Keeping the Faith Alive

The Voice of the suffering and persecuted​

Aid to the Church in Need begins repair of churches, church buildings in Iraq’s Christian homeland

ACN hopes that this new initiative will restore hope for Iraq’s remaining Christians—a battered and fragile mere 10 percent of the 1.5 million Christians living in the country prior to 2003, when the US invaded the country. The subsequent civil war saw the religiously motivated murder of at least 1,000 ...

In one Indian diocese, 26,000 students pray rosary together

In keeping with the promise of Saint Padre Pio—“When one million children pray the rosary, the world will change”—the campaign is intended to strengthen the faith through the power of children’s prayers.

Deadly protests leave Christians in Iraq between hope and fear

“We appeal to the conscience of Iraqi officials to listen seriously to their people, who are complaining of the current miserable situation, the deterioration of services, and the spread of corruption.”

Nicaragua’s ongoing crisis hampers the training of priests

"What most impresses me is that there are people on the other side of the world who are helping us, people whom we will undoubtedly never meet or get to know. They are helping because we are all one Church, united in love of the Kingdom of God.”

Christians in Syria reject war, are ‘weakest link’

"The only thing we know for certain is that the bombings and above all the massacres committed by Turks against our community are forcing more and more Christians to flee.”

In South Sudan, a priest says he ‘was ready for new mission’ in a troubled land

According to official statistics, about three quarters of all inhabitants of South Sudan over 15 years of age are illiterate. The priest soon realized that “education is the key to eliminating the recurring tensions in the populace. Education will bring peace!”

In Pakistan, Christians are subject to mistreatment, violence that often goes unpunished

“But despite this, I know that God is on my side, and I am comforted by His presence. I have the Bible on my phone, and I read it when I am afraid, especially Psalms 23 and 121. And I pray constantly."

US Government turns to faith-based organizations to help deliver aid, promote religious freedom

Increasingly, religious freedom is being recognized as a foundational right; there is growing awareness that two-thirds of the world’s population live in countries with restrictions on religious freedom—and that Christians represent the largest faith group experiencing religious persecution.

Turkey’s invasion of northeastern Syria a blow against Christians

With the Kurds now likely to engage Turkish forces in battle, Christians and other minorities are afraid they will be left without protection. This confrontation may trigger an exodus, further depleting the Christian population of Syria, which has already shrunk by 80% since the start of the country’s civil war ...

Our Sunday Visitor: ACN Director of Outreach on impact on Christians of Turkey’s invasion of Syria

President Donald Trump’s order to withdraw U.S. troops from northeastern Syria effectively greenlit Turkey’s invasion of the region. With this shift in U.S. policy, Turkey has been given an opening to reshape its borders and begin to carry out a multi-faceted strategy. As the crisis unfolds, one thing is clear: ...
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