Pakistan: The West must demand justice for Jaranwala Christians

Father Abid Tanveer, vicar general of the Diocese of Faisalabad in Pakistan, witnessed what he describes as the “worst incident of Christian persecution” in the country.  On August 16th, a mob of 7,000 people rampaged through Jaranwala, Punjab Province, and attacked a cemetery, hundreds of homes, and 26 churches and chapels. “This is a crucial moment for Western governments to step in and ensure justice for the victims,” urged Father Tanveer.

The international community’s pressure is vital to prosecuting those responsible for the attacks. Pakistan relies on Western nations for trade and aid, so it will be open to their intervention, too. Father Tanveer, who experienced the “anger and hatred” of the mob, stressed that without justice, the victims will never feel safe or find closure.

Father Tanveer said that Western governments can reach out to leaders in Pakistan, highlighting the issue and asking what measures will be taken to stop persecution of Christians. This recent attack revealed the extent to which extremists will go to create an atmosphere of fear in the Christian community.

Uprooted from their homes (Photo courtesy of Caritas Pakistan)

The violence of the mob was triggered by an accusation of blasphemy against two Christian men. Concern about additional accusations prompted 50 students to flee to nearby areas. “In these troubling times, it’s essential to recognize the role of Muslim leaders, known as maulanas, who quickly denounced the attacks. They stressed that such acts are fundamentally against Islam and expressed solidarity with the Christian community,” said Father Tanveer. “They assured that they were with us, and that they would try their best to demand that justice be done.”

Father Tanveer also extended his gratitude to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) for assisting Jaranwala Christians whose homes were damaged, and providing essential items like clothes, kitchen appliances, bedding, mattresses, and school supplies. This support has been invaluable, and Father Tanveer, on behalf of the Christian community, voiced his deep appreciation for ACN’s assistance: “For many years, Aid to the Church in Need has been a great help to our diocese, especially after this incident in Jaranwala. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank the staff and benefactors of ACN. Please be assured of our grateful prayers.”

—John Pontifex