You are browsing topics on: Africa

In Nigeria, brutal attacks and a story of survival

“So we ran. In the bush everyone was selfish; we ran as if there was a competition; we were exhausted and absolutely afraid, but we ...

DRC security forces accused of killings in more than 130 attacks on Catholic churches

"There was a Mass at Kinshasa Cathedral to memorialize at least four people killed on Dec. 31 [2017]. After this Mass, the army and police ...
ACN reports on the life of the suffering Church around the world, helps the Church in DRC stand up against the government in protest

Democratic Republic of the Congo: ‘Church in firing line’

"The Church is certainly the most credible institution in the country and consequently finds herself in the line of fire. But it is necessary, because ...
Evangelization in Kenya depends on ACN support

Crux: ACN helps Church in Kenya with evangelization

LODWAR/KALOPIRIA, KENYA – When you’re a reporter covering the Catholic Church, you end up going to more than your fair share of Masses. After a ...

Myanmar cardinal defends Aung San Suu Kyi

“Our perception is that she is trying to stabilize the fragile democracy. Democracy is hard won and it took 60 years to get to where ...

In Central African Republic, ‘trying to disarm both heart and mind’

"We appeal to their conscience. We do not have any weapons. Our weapon is the Word of God. We are men of the Word of ...

Crux cites ACNUSA Chairman on plight of Muslim minority in Myanmar

A PROMINENT bishop has called on the U.S. government to provide humanitarian assistance to the Rohingya Muslims who have fled Myanmar while under attack. Bishop ...

In Zambia, priests perform in ‘exemplary’ way

Tony Zender, who oversees projects in a number of English-speaking African countries for international papal charity Aid to the Church in Need, recently visited Zambia. ...

In Nigeria, help for families destroyed by Boko Haram

The specter of Boko Haram may have fallen from the headlines, but a painful echo of its reign of terror in northeastern Nigeria endures. The ...

Catholic schools are pillar of Church in Sudan

Dust and mud brick houses everywhere—as far as the eye can see. The houses are indistinguishable in color from the ground on which they stand. ...
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