You are browsing topics on: Africa

In DRC, an upsurge of violence against the Church

In the wake of an attack on a Catholic seminary, the leader of the Church in the Democratic Republic has issued an appeal about “the ...

In Niger, witnessing Christ’s love to Muslims

Mother Marie-Catherine Kingbo is Superior General of the Fraternity of the Servants of Christ in Niger. She spoke late last month at Notre Dame Cathedral ...

Nigerian bishop suspects government-level support of new wave of Islamist terror

A Roman Catholic bishop has accused authorities in Nigeria of clandestinely supplying weapons to an Islamist terrorist network, charging that the organization has infiltrated federal ...

The missionary vocation of the Church in Africa

Cardinal Robert Sarah speaks about the contribution of the Church in Africa to the Universal Church, about Islam in Africa and the world, about relations ...

Violence convulses DRC, targets the Church

The rector of a seminary in the Democratic Republic of Congo refused a militia’s request for space on its grounds. In the wake of authorities’ ...

A New Roof for the Church of Our Lady of Consolation in Zambia

“When this disaster befell us, my heart was almost broken. I did not know where to turn. I thought of all the people around our ...
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