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In Pakistan, human traffickers prey on Christian girls

“I quickly noticed that something was seriously wrong. Though the matchmaker had told me that my husband was a Christian, I never saw him praying ...

In Pakistan, a Catholic widow demands justice for husband’s murder

“On June 8, 2019, he went to work but did not come home. I was very worried, as he was never late. His brother helped ...

Family of kidnapped Christian in Egypt: ‘We fear torture and savage death’

" ... Militants clad in khaki stopped the vehicle. When they discovered that Uncle Adeeb was a Christian, they asked him to get out. Our ...

In Pakistan, discrimination turns violent for a Catholic teenager

"It is dangerous for me in Pakistan. I have never felt respected, and I have never been able to worship freely. My textbook says that ...

In Indonesia, Non-Muslims Face bans in their community

“This village rule contradicts Indonesian law: the Pancasila, the country’s official philosophical foundation, as well as our constitution. Intolerance like this must be avoided so ...

In Burkina Faso, a Sister uses music to fight forces of darkness

... [T]he lyrics also emphasize the “necessity of training priests and nuns, so that they can be the leaders of a population capable of creating ...

India: for Kandhamal Christians, bitter memories of a massacre linger on

“The wound of Kandhamal has not yet healed, and the global Christian community must remember that. The rest of India would like you to forget, ...

In Pakistan, state schools are a harsh environment for Christians

“Despite what I’ve experienced, I believe that I will be successful. And when I worry, I recite Psalm 23; I always carry a rosary with ...

A TEEN from Aleppo, Syria reflects on civil war

“When I was young, my relationship with God was good, but since then, I’ve struggled at times. I always ask, ‘Why, Lord, why all this ...

Syria: A young Christian woman in Homs comes of age in shadow of war

"What happened in Homs was very hard. Still, we did not think about emigrating because we have strong commitments here and ties with our local ...
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